MacOS startup 3D! is made and rendered by Onar Vikingstad!
What did I do, making it like that:
I´ve used the very professional application Photoshop (3.0) and used the great filters Clouds, combined with Lightning Effects, to make the pictures look 3D and stoned!
Why have I made it:
I´ve taken the startingpoint from the original "boring" MacOS logo!
And istead of that build-in startup-picture, I´ve made a more nice looking and more professional picture, without have to use it as a StartUpScreen (if you know what i mean(?))
Who can I use it, and how:
This patch is will only work with System 7.5.1! 256 grays are the minimum, but it looks much better with thousand-color! You must also have 800 kb free diskspace, since these pictures is a little bigger than the standard-pictures!
So if you have all these requirements, you can use the "MacOS startup 3D! patch"
And I´ve made it very easy: Simply open the file "MacOS startup 3D! patch", and locate the file (System Updater), in your systemfolder, that you´ll have til patch!
For all you other´s that have a newer version of the MacOS then 7.5.1 (such as 7.5.2 & 7.5.3), simply open "3D resources" in the "Resources"-folder, and copy all images, replace them in the system-updater file, and make a restart! Good luck!
After a few seconds you´ll hopefully get the message "The patch was succesfully applied!", and you can then look how good your starting-picture now are looking, by making a restart!
This patch cannot work properly while virus detection software is running. Please make sure that you have disabled any virus detectors before applying the patch. This also includes ResEdit or other resorce-applications!
You can freely distrubute "MacOS startup 3D! patch"! But make sure that the "Read me!!!"-document is distributed together with it!
If you have any comments or questions please contact me…